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Public Pools & Spas

Fishers Health Department’s mission is to minimize the spread of disease and prevent injuries and drownings at public and semi-public swimming pools and spas. The program licenses and routinely inspects public and semi-public pools to ensure compliance with state and local regulations. Environmental health specialists assist in educating pool operators on proper pool management and safety.


Submit your annual permit or apply for a new permit here

Weekly Pool Sample Submissions

Submit weekly pool samples.

Safety For Private Pools

Find resources and information for homeowners with private pools from ISDH.

Fee Schedule

In accordance with chapter 171 of the City of Fishers Code of Ordinances:

Seasonal pools– one pool/spa$125
Seasonal pools – each additional pool/spa at
same facility
Operating without a license$100/day
Annual pools – one pool/spa$200
Annual pools – each additional pool/spa at same
School poolsNo charge but requires permit
Plan review$100
Violations and penaltiesAssessed on inspection



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Retail Food Establishments

Septic Systems

Private Water Well