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QPR: Suicide Prevention

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

In crisis? Call/text 988 or visit For the National Helpline, dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Services are 24/7, confidential, and free. Learn more.

Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR)

Similar to CPR, actions can be taken to help someone in mental health crisis, prevent suicide, and save a life. This free training teaches participants how to recognize loved ones at risk, intervene, and offer referrals and resources.

This course is appropriate for individuals ages 14+ who want to learn how to recognize signs of suicide and respond to them. Learn more about the QPR course description.

Schedule a FREE QPR training.

This course requires a minimum of 5 people and one week’s notice to schedule. The FHD reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this course.

Suicide Stats

  • Suicide was the 12th leading cause of death in the United States in 2020 with nearly 48,000 deaths by suicide and 1.2 million suicide attempts.
  • It was the second-leading cause of death for individuals 10-14 and 25-34 years of age.
  • There were more than twice as many deaths by suicide than by homicide.

Healthy People 2030 Goal: